Bruce Dickinson Denies Lying About Show Cancellations

Bruce Dickinson told Sweden’s P4 Live that he canceled his Bucharest gig for a good cause. The musician said a viral virus canceled his June 3 gig. Antibiotics and other therapies for voice cord edema helped Dickinson feel better. He said his virus spread to the staff. Bruce said “No” when asked whether he was accustomed to canceling gigs. The last performance I canceled was 17 years ago. It was uncommon. It was one of those times. I seldom cancel gigs, so it was true. Because I was singing through it, which usually improves it, but it was getting worse.”

The rocker followed medical advise to rest and heal, admitting, ‘I have to…’ This tour has no rest stops. One concert and few days surrounding it. I replied, “I can take a five-day break, see the doctor, do what he says, shut up for five days”—just do what you do. I can take care of my voice, but being ill is another matter.”

Bruce’s Message After Show Cancellation
Dickinson said in a statement after the cancelation news that she had been struggling with a viral virus for the last several concerts. I hoped the two days following the Dutch gigs would have been enough vocal recovery, but Budapest was tough. While the crowds have been great, I must prioritize the remainder of the trip and maintain my instrument, which is my only one.

The artist said that they regretfully canceled tomorrow’s event in Bucharest. My expectations were not met. I’m visiting a throat expert tomorrow to confirm my choice, but after 40 years of singing, I know when the voice needs a break. I feel bad for Bucharest fans. I apologize and appreciate your patience. ”In the following days, Dickinson resumed his European concerts. His next concert is June 16 in Berlin. He will visit Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, and Spain after another Hamburg event.

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